Each day we bring you videos from around the Internet

Each day we bring you videos from around the Internet to show you how they make stuff. Nuts and hex flange nut Suppliers bolts are made from what’s called steel wire rods (Photo: Pixabay) Each day we bring you videos from around the Internet to show you how they make stuff.If you look around, almost every big and small object around us are held together with screws, nuts and bolts.
From a smartphone, to doors and windows, to cars and ships, how much ever compact or gigantic they are, they all need a fastner to hold them together.These nuts and bolts are made from what’s called steel wire rods. After spending hours in a furnace to soften it enough to be worked, the wire rods go in a bath of sulphuric acid to remove any rust particles on it. It is then followed by various other lengthy procedure.Watch the video below to see the entire process of manufacturing these fastners.